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I have gained a lot from participating in the Kolkata Rubber and Plastic Exhibition in India

All rights reserved:Established in 1982, TongDa Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. Update time:2024-04-11 17:33:08


  From November 27th to November 30th, 2015, Mr. Liu Ning, the company leader, led relevant personnel from the Ministry of Foreign Trade to participate in India's Indplas 2015 (Kolkata Rubber Exhibition)。 Due to thorough preparation and being the first to participate in the Indian Rubber Exhibition, we felt the great enthusiasm of the visiting Indian customers. Many people have heard of Tongda for the first time, carefully reviewing the company and product introduction materials, and pausing in front of Tongda's video footage for a long time. The sales manager of Tongda also patiently and meticulously answers various questions that customers are concerned about, and expresses that Tongda will bring good products and services to India, benefiting India.
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